1. Solutions
  2. Financial Management
  3. Project & Grant Accounting

Project & Grant Accounting

Grants screenshot

General Ledger’s Project & Grant Accounting feature allows for the tracking of budgets, expenditures, and revenues for complete transparency with your constituents.

Project Accounting empowers you to budget for current projects – such as capital improvements – as you would for departments and funds. With General Ledger’s Project Accounting capabilities, you are able to quickly view the budget status for the project in real-time, with comprehensive drilldown functionality to view the transactions that make up your activity. If you need to roll granular project activity into the higher level, overall activity of the parent fund or department(s), the transition is as simple as unchecking a setting.

Grant Accounting has become critical to municipal accounting. With General Ledger’s Grant Accounting capabilities, you are able to budget and report your grant activity in the grant’s unique fiscal year, as it can differ from your municipality Fiscal Year End. You have the versatility of budgeting for the present year as well as future years in which you may be planning large purchases or projects that are grant-funded. Perhaps your grant requires the use of the funding within the next few years; you can easily track items such as lifetime activity, expiration date, and activity relative to the budget within the Grant View, as well as generate detailed grant reports.

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